If you’re looking to obtain your green card to become a lawful permanent resident or want to travel in the United States, submitting a visa application is the first step. Unfortunately, if you learn that your visa application has been denied, you may not know what to do next. This can be a crushing process for many, so you’ll want to contact a New York immigration lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your options. The following blog explores some of the most common questions regarding these matters.
Why Might a Visa Be Denied?
There are several reasons you may find that your visa application has been denied. Generally, the most common explanation is that your application was completed incorrectly. Unfortunately, when information is not included correctly or completely, or you do not include all necessary supporting evidence, your application will be refused. This is because the United States consular office through which you are applying does not have all the necessary information to determine whether or not you are eligible.
Another reason you may have been rejected is that you applied for a visa under the wrong category. To be allowed entry into the United States, you must provide a reason for entering the country. In many instances, visa categories can seem similar, or technological errors mean you’re applying for the wrong one. As such, you can be found ineligible because you are not qualified for the visa you applied for.
Generally, these are two of the most common reasons applicants are rejected. However, there are additional reasons that someone may be rejected. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Prior criminal convictions for a crime of moral turpitude
- Prior conviction for a drug violation
- Denied under public charge
- Previously stayed in the country longer than eligible
What Are My Options if I’m Rejected?
If you were denied entry into the United States, it’s essential to understand that you will be informed of the reason for the refusal. For example, if you were ineligible for the category in which you applied, you will be told so. As such, depending on your circumstances, you may be able to reapply for a visa. Generally, if you made a mistake during the application process, you can refile so long as you remedy the error. However, it’s necessary to understand that you must re-pay the fees associated with applying for a visa.
As you can see, applying for a visa can be an overwhelming and complicated process. That’s why it’s in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney to explore your options, especially if you have already been denied once. Your attorney can explore the rejection to determine if it was a simple error and help you refile to ensure your application is correct. As such, you’ll want to connect with the experienced team at the Law Office of Jason A. Dennis to explore your legal options. Our compassionate team understands the stress of these circumstances, so we will do everything possible to assist you. Connect with us today to learn more.