What started off as a fun night with friends can quickly go downhill if you are charged with a DUI. Unfortunately, many are unaware of the severity of these charges or what penalties they can invoke. If you are facing charges in NYC, the following blog explores what you should know about these issues and why connecting with a New York City DUI lawyer is in your best interest.
What Warrants a DUI Charge in NYC?
New York City, like all cities and states, will charge anyone with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher with Driving Under the Influence (DUI). 0.08% is the legal limit, meaning anyone found with a BAC at or over this percentage will automatically be charged, regardless of their level of intoxication.
However, it’s important to understand that if you have a BAC under the legal limit of 0.08%, you can still be charged with a DUI. This is because the officer may determine that the amount of alcohol in your system, though lower than the limit, has still impacted your ability to safely operate a vehicle. For example, if you provide a breath sample that shows your BAC is at 0.05%, but you have slurred speech, no balance, and slowed reactions, the officer can still charge you as you are still intoxicated.
What Penalties Can I Face if I’m Convicted?
If you are charged with a DUI for the first time, the penalties you can face if you are convicted can be incredibly intense. Unfortunately, many assume they will walk away with nothing more than a stern warning if they are caught driving under the influence which is far from the truth. In reality, you can face up to one year in jail if convicted. While imprisonment for a first-time DUI is not common, it can happen depending on the circumstances of your case.
In addition to potential time spent in jail, you can also face a license suspension of up to six months. This means you will be unable to drive anywhere during this time unless you qualify for a conditional license due to school or work.
Finally, you are legally required under New York state law to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle for at least six months, even if it is your first offense. You must pay for the cost of installation out of pocket as well.
If you have been charged with a DUI for the first time in New York City, it can be incredibly overwhelming. However, it’s imperative to understand that working with an attorney is in your best interest. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you’ll find that your attorney may be able to craft a defense or work with the prosecution to secure a plea real. Regardless, it’s critical to connect with the Law Office of Jason A. Dennis to explore your legal options. Connect with us today to discuss your unique circumstances.