With anything you’re facing up against the United States legal system, there is always the question of “Do I need a lawyer?” In some cases, the answer is no. If you’ve got a parking ticket to pay, and you were in the wrong and are intending to pay your fine, you probably don’t need a lawyer. If you’re in the middle of an amicable divorce, with no kids or shared property, an attorney might not be necessary. There are some cases, however, whether or not you need a lawyer shouldn’t even be a question. Immigration law in the United States is one of those cases.
The immigration court system can be intimidating on the best of days, and having an experienced immigration attorney by your side is a must. While it may seem expensive upfront, the time and money you save on the back end are more than worth it. The fear of persecution or deportation is a well-founded fear, and nothing to be ashamed of. No matter what immigration issue you are facing, you are not alone. There are people who can help.
With the Law Office of Jason A. Dennis, you will always have the peace of mind that your attorney is doing anything and everything to get you through the immigration process as quickly, and cheaply as possible. Jason A. Dennis specializes in all aspects of immigration law in the United States, including immigrant visas for students or workers, marriage visa process, green card applications and processes for permanent resident, naturalization, family immigration, deportation for immigration purposes, removal proceedings, and any other immigration matters you may be facing.
Insider Knowledge can be Key in Winning Your Case
Filling out and submitting an immigration application may seem simple, but there are many aspects of the application process for green cards, visas, and the citizenship process that the average person could just never know. An immigration lawyer in NY works inside the system on a daily basis, and they have insider knowledge that can and will, help your case. They know the fastest, easiest, and correct way to deal with any legal issue that may come up in your case. Experienced immigration lawyers also have intimate knowledge of any immigration waivers that could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in your journey to reach your immigration goals.
Immigration forms are long, complicated, and can be extremely confusing. Applications for immigration benefits can take weeks to fill out if you’ve never done them before. Experienced immigration lawyers fill out these forms weekly for their immigration clients, and can walk you through them step by step to make sure your papers are filled out correctly the first time, and that you pay your fees on time, and to the right place.
All immigration fees are non-refundable, even if your application or appeal is denied. Making sure that you fill out and submit all immigration application forms correctly the first time can save you hundreds of dollars, and the stress of being denied.
The current Immigration Law System in the United States has long waits and processing times, and the rates of immigration benefit denials have risen in recent years. Missing deadlines and submitting incorrect paperwork can add your name to the long list of denials. And if you’ve already been waiting over a year to finish your immigration journey.
Special Circumstances May Apply
When starting the immigration process, it can be difficult to know exactly what you should be applying for. Do you need a visa? What kind of visa? Do you need a green card? Do you qualify for expedited processing due to a need for political asylum or refugee status? Can you enter the United States before starting your immigration process or do you need to wait? There are millions of questions that you could have, and Google can only answer so many of those questions.
Law firms that specialize in Immigration law, and the experienced attorneys that work for them, can and will answer any question you might have, including questions you didn’t even know to ask. There can be any number of fee waivers you may qualify for that you had no idea existed, there may be more forms you need to fill out if you are applying for a family-based green card rather than a basic green card.
You may be interested in a certain kind of visa while being better qualified for another one. Because immigration law is so intricate, missing steps or doing too much can affect your immigration process and cause problems down the road for your case.
Having Help Early in Your Case Can Make a Difference
Applying for a work visa, or student visa, or even applying for a green card or naturalization is a much easier process than having to hire deportation defense or appeal charges of immigration fraud from the United States government. While an experienced immigration attorney can handle anything that your case involves, the sooner you act the more money, time, and stress you save yourself in the long run.
The average immigration process takes over 14 months, and many, more complicated cases take much longer. An experienced immigration attorney has the skills and knowledge to file the correct immigration waivers and paperwork to make sure you are in and out of the immigration system as quickly as possible.
The sooner you contact an attorney, the better your odds of winning your case or being approved are, especially when it comes to deportation or appeals. While immigrants facing deportation share the same due-process right that natural-born American citizens have, the immigration courts are considered civil, not criminal courts, and the right to an attorney is not guaranteed. This is why you should already be in contact with a qualified immigration attorney before you ever step foot in front of an immigration judge.
Waiting too long to apply for a visa or green card, or renew any work visa can be detrimental to your residency in the United States. Some damage is irreparable, and if you are deported it can be several years before you’re allowed to enter the United States again, if ever. Problems like this do not have to happen and can be avoided entirely with a good legal team on your side.
The Time to Act is Now
Your avenue to immigration in the United States is open, and the longer you wait the more complex immigration laws and processes may become, and the longer the immigration process becomes. No matter your situation, the Law Offices of Jason A. Dennis are here to help. During your immigration consultation, any questions have about your avenues for immigration including time frames, a payment plan, dealing with immigration authorities, your application for immigration benefits, and any possible application fee,
As a skilled immigration attorney, there is no such thing as a complicated immigration issue for Jason A. Dennis. With years of experience and creative immigration solutions, you can rest easy knowing that your case is in the best hands possible. Jason A. Dennis is knowledgeable in a wide range of complex immigration matters and, as an authorized immigration service provider, is here to help you in your unique immigration situation.